We have developed an artificial intelligence platform that will enable easy use of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.
BIG Data Solutıons
We solve our customers' big data problems by bringing innovative approaches to the Hadoop ecosystem, with the technical and academic knowledge we have gained as a result of our studies.
Text&Photo Search Engıne
We offer solutions to our customers' text-based search engine needs with the infrastructure that we have developed within the Hadoop.
SocIal MedIa MonItorIng and AnalysIs
We collect and manage social media accounts under a single roof, and collect, process and analyze social media data instantly.
Image ProcessIng
We produce solutions for obtaining patterns and meaningful expressions after pre-processes such as feature extraction and improvement with deep learning approaches on photographs.
RecommendatIon Systems
As the number of users grows of an app or service utilization of Big Data technologies enable companies to suggest additional products or services.